Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A beautiful day--FINALLY!!!!!!

"Helping" and Playing outside!!!

Yeah we had a beautiful day today! It was about time 'cause I was going nuts and so was Mason. He would stand up next to the window and look outside for like ever at least everyday. It's become a morning routine after breakfast to go pull the blinds up enough for him to look out. It's either that or he tries to move them out of his way whether they're open or shut. To make it better it was Bryan's day off and Mason loved it. We washed the car (well watched Daddy) and watched, and freaked out as Bryan mowed the lawn. But after the lawn was mowed--out came the golf balls!! I think the pictures say it all!
What do you think? I think he'll be a big contender in the next "Howarth Family Reunion Golf Tournament"!!!!! Hey--Tiger started when he was 2--we're just a little early! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am totally jealous! We are having really warm weather up here as well however, we still have 2 feet of snow on the day it will melt, hopefully!

    Mason is growing so much. He isn't going to be the same little boy next time I see him! What a cutie!
